First announcement and calling for participants

Universidad Ricardo Palma,
Dirección de Extensión Universitaria y Proyección Social

Alta Tecnología Andina

Festival: May 7th - 29th 1999
Seminars: May 8th, 15th & 22nd, 1999


For it's second consecutive year, the Visual Arts Gallery of the Universidad Ricardo Palma and Alta Tecnología Andina (Aloft Andean Technology or ATA, it's spanish initials) have joined efforts in the achievement of the Third International Video Art Festival, starting may 7th, with the participation of the most important artists and research institutes in art, science and technology in the world.

This event has as it's main objective the understanding of electronic art and the new proposals for artistic creation in Peru, inside the refreshed cultural context actually taking place in this country, particularly in the city of Lima. This time, a seminar where the multidisciplinary subjects in this area are to be discussed, will take place during May, having the collaboration of peruvian and foreign researchers.

Festival background

In Lima, on september 1977, a Video Art Festival was presented for it's very first time in the exhibition gallery of the Banco Continental, being organized then by Jorge Glusberg, Director of the Buenos Aires Center for Art & Communication (CAYC), and Alfonso Castrillón. In that opportunity, the room was filled with the non-stop transmissions of the works of Nam June Paik, Herve Fischer, Wolf Vostell, among others. The installation had arranged fully isolated compartments, where the public could enjoy a diversity of european and american video art works. The massive assistance confirmed the interest this new artistic and technological expositions create on local public.

In May 1998, after 21 years not having this kind of works in our artistic environment, the second festival was opened to the public, having the decided support from the french center, CICV Pierre Schaeffer. More than 80 videos were presented from all around the world, updating the new artistic, vanguardist streams, having with us the contributions from Brasil (Solange Farkas), France (Yasmina Demoly), Argentina (Jorge Glusberg), Chile (Nestor Olhagaray) and México (Elías Levín).

The Ricardo Palma University, through it's Visual Arts Gallery, seeks to notify the student and public communities about the development and research of the various artistic languages at this point. At the same time, Alta Tecnología Andina (ATA), a non profit, non governmental cultural organization, looks forward in the promotion of the right conditions for an auto-developed Peru, unified by the (tele)communications, and immersed in the global dynamics, in which self-government and constant innovation are essential, international competitive advantages.


The Third International Video Art Festival will start on Friday, May 7th, at 7:00 P.M. local time. The Gallery will open to the public from Saturday, May 8th.

Our public, frequently used to see in art exhibits paintings hanged from a wall, will discover at their entrance to the Visual Arts Gallery numerous 20 and 29 inches screens, transmitting previously selected group of videos one after another, sent by the different international institutes who participate in the festival, as well as works done by peruvian video artists.

Furthermore, there'll be two giant screens in the Gallery, in which the video art works will be scheduled to projection.

The main projections and exhibitions will take place Monday through Friday, from 2:00 PM until 8:00 PM in the Gallery, but a selected version of this exhibition will be shown in Universities of Peru's main provinces: Cuzco, Arequipa and Trujillo. We will be receiving works and collaborations until Monday, April 12th.

Gianni Toti: an overlook at his electronic artworks

During the Third International Video Art Festival, a week devoted to the poet, writer, movie and theater pieces author, Gianni Toti, considered one of the most prominent video artist in the world and pioneer of the rising video art branch, has been previewed. "Poetronic" since the early 80's, Toti is an artist who pushes the limits of the elecronic, poetical image. Since then, he has accomplished numerous works, in which are included seven video-poems given to L'Imaginaire Scientifique in 1986, and for the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie in París. As an artist living in the "Brouillard-Précis" Laboratory, in Marsella, Toti has approached to the synthetic images with his work "L'OriginEdite". He's constantly invited to homages, retrospectives, presentations of new artistic works, seminars, conversations, etc. around the world. At The International Center for Video Creation, in Montbéliard, he produced his most important masterpiece, "Planetopolis": a poetical essay in which he approaches globalization from his personal point of view. Among his latest works outstand "Túpac Amauta-First Chant" (1997) and "Acá Nada" (1998).

Invitados Internacionales

Micky Kwella, fundador y director artistico del Transmediale, Berlin, Alemania.
Gianni Toti, videasta italiano, poeta, escritor, autor de películas y piezas teatrales y padre de la videopoesia.
Organizing Committee Alfonso Castrillón (Director), José-Carlos Mariátegui, José Javier Castro, Carlos Battilana, Carlos Letts, Manuel Munive, Jorge Villacorta.

How to contact us

For mailing address outside Perú, please use ATA's corporate office address:

Alta Tecnología Andina
Alcanfores 1096, Miraflores
Tel: (51)444-5525 / 965-8728
Fax: (51)438-5479

Paseo de la República 3691/Of. 1001
San Isidro, Lima 27